JWJ Accounting provides you with insight and solutions to strengthen your financial position, both now and well into the future. This entails creating a sound tax savings strategy and integrating it with a personal financial plan. We help you navigate current issues while being proactive for the future. The result gives you greater confidence and peace.

Financial Planning

Since 2017 we have done this by providing not only tax accounting services but by collaborating with a comprehensive financial planner, who is independent and fee-based, working as a fiduciary with your best interest in mind. If you have an existing financial planner and/or investment manager, no problem, we can simply augment their existing service with anything else needed or not at all—we do not push or force any services to clients that do not need or want. We just want to make sure you are covered. And for those that want or need a second set of eyes or review/feedback, we can assist.

Whereas tax strategy focuses on maximizing tax savings, financial planning works to ensure earnings, expenses, investments and debt all align to have optimal cash flow and good investment return for you today and well into the future. This combination of financial services saves you money and increases your wealth. Give us an opportunity to help you assemble a team of trusted advisors that includes a financial planner, investment manager, estate attorney and any other necessary partners. We want to get to know you and understand your goals and needs. We want to help! — Solicitor Disclosure Letter

Financial Planning & Investment management services are provided separately and independently of JWJ Accounting. JWJ refers clients to Creative Capitalists, Inc, an independent investment advisory firm led by Keith Hays. JWJ Accounting LLC, and Creative Capitalists, Inc. are not affiliated. JWJ Accounting LLC receives compensation when a referred client uses Creative Capitalists, Inc.’s services.

For more information, visit www.creativecapitalists.com.